Sweet Rose Green Tea

Organic Petals Sweet Rose Tulsi Green Tea is Fine blend made of Green Tea, Rose Flower Petals and added Tulsi (holi basil) leaves invokes a sweet Exotic Aroma and pleasing taste along with several health and nutritional benefits of Rose Flower Petals and Tulsi Sweet Rose Tulsi Green Tea is rich with anti-septic, anti-becterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidative properties. It is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C And Vitamin E. It also is an excellent remedy to improve the overall texture of skin, thereby reducing wrinkles, finelines, Dark circles and controlling the overall effect of ageing on your skin.

Chamomile Green Tea

Organic Petals Tulsi Green Tea is Added with 5 rare species of Tulsi comprising of Rama tulsi, Shyam Tulsi, Kali Tulsi, Nimbu Tulsi and Van Tulsi. Tulsi (Holi basil) is regarded as a magical herb which posses several properties like it strengethens the immune system, Relaxes the mind, elevates the mood and reduces stress and tensions, Boosts stamina increases the metabolism, improves digestion and assimilation of food, helps fight illness prevents cough cold, acts as an Anti Ageing and Anti Jet lag.

Jasmine Green Tea

Organic Petals Jasmine Green Tea is made from a fine blend of Green Tea and added Jasmine Flower Petals which retreates with a valvety mouthfeel and an intoxicating Aroma. Jasmine Green tea offers several health benefit as it is high in a group of powerful antioxidants known as catechins which offer many health benefits, including a reduced risk of cancer, lower heart rate, blood pressure, stroke and cholesterol levels.

Hibiscus Green Tea

Organic Petals Hibiscus Green Tea is made from the flower petals of hibiscus which gives a very pleasant fragrance and smooth taste to the blend. It offers several health benefits and medicinal properties which includes treating high blood pressure, high cholestrol, disturb immune system and digestive disorders. It also helps cure Liver diseases sppeds up metabolism and helps in many problems.